Friday, August 1, 2008

Watch out Kobe!

Before Haley was born, I used to laugh with my friend Sarah (who is a superstar soccer playa) that knowing my luck, I would probably get a sporty kid and she would get an artsy kid. And we'd have to help take care of each other's children...becuase I definitely don't have any athletic skillz. (You only need to ask my college friends about my one soccer game or my Seapointe Friends about my year playing softball to confirm that I do in fact have no skills.) Well...turns out, I wasn't wrong at all.

Although Haley is quite a musician (she has close to perfect's quite something). She's not interested at all in the things I dreamed of her being interested in. And by that, I mean the things I AM INTERESTED in. The biggest one being dance. I put her in a dance class once...and the teacher had to talk to me about her behavior and in the dance recital she grabbed the teacher's stuffed monkey and put it on her head and danced around so people would laugh at her.

So instead of hours sitting in an air conditioned room watching my kid rehearse a beautiful lyrical dance that would move me to tears because of her artistic looks like I am destined to spend hours on the sidelines with a life that looks more like this....

And it looks like her sister might be following in her footsteps....

The truth is...I'm enjoying it. It's fun to learn something new. And I just love that she is happy. But it's kinda like math homework...she's going to get to a point where I am no good. Won't be the least bit helpful. Oh wait...I think she's already there!


Diane Davis said...

is that person by the hoop taking notes on her form? i think it's so cute you have little atheletes. ;)

Lisa P said...

I think this very phenomenon is evidence of God's sense of humor. I have a 7-year-old that can draw, paint, and create better than I can. At some point he's going to realize that I'm not purposefully drawing poorly to make him feel better about his own work.

Don said...

I can't believe the natural form she has in this!!! (Compare to the lack thereof in ballet recital! HAHAHAHA) One of us needs to post pics from that awesome morning!

I'm proud of my little athletic granddaughters. Remember Joel Rood at Johnson Bible Colleg? All of his kids were jocks to the max and Joel was this not-so-athletic musician. (Remind you of anyone else you know???)

I thought you got rid of word verification.

Lyonslove said...

That's my girl!